Pray Together Missal
"Pray Together" Missal is the most complete missal on the market today, containing full readings and responsorials for Sunday and Holy Day worship, as well as complete prayers and readings for weekday Masses.
Pray Together Instruction
"Pray Together" Instruction is an effective planning guide for every Sunday, Holy Day and weekday Mass for Celebrants, Lectors and Commentators.
Pray Together Ordo
"Pray Together" Ordo For the Celebration of the Divine Office and the Mass, compiled by Fr. Roy Bauer and Fr. Kevin Laughery based on the works and compilations of Fr. Jovian Lang.
Rejoice Greatly Hymnal
"Rejoice Greatly" Hymnal is available in convenient hymnal edition size with full musical scoring, including over 400 hymns in a sturdy perfect bound book.
Starting Stories for Funeral Sermons
Starting Stories for Funeral Sermons by Fr. Roy Bauer
Starting Stories for Special Occasion Sermons
Starting Stories for Special Occasion Sermons by Fr. Roy Bauer