"Pray Together" Ordo for the Celebration for the Divine Office and the Mass, compiled by Fr. Kevin Laughery and Fr. Roy Bauer, based on the works and compilations of Fr. Jovian Lang
"Pray Together" Ordo uses the General Roman Calendar and the Liturgical Calendar for the United States.
Designed in two colors to easily find lectionary reading with a view towards practicality.
- Highlighted liturgical instructions for the local areas
- Indication of the correct week in the cycle of the Psalter
- Pastoral Feasts
- Dedications for the Cathedrals, etc., noted at the proper dates, installations dates of ordinaries
- Reading numbers from the lectionary to help in daily preparation of the Mass, plus Biblical citations
- Explanation of current liturgical rules
- Newly approved American Feasts inserted at the correct date. Clearly in accord with the directives from the Congregations of the Divine Worship and the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy
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